
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am excited to release the latest build of Firefly (ver. 1.0064).  This release features many new improvements to the Firefly toolset.  Most notably, there is now support for controlling stepper motors through the Firefly/Grasshopper interface.  The new Quad Stepper Motor component formats the necessary data to control up to 4 stepper motors, and the Convert Degrees To Steps utility component will translate angle position into the necessary steps to move the motor.  These components are a compliment to the new Firefly_QuadStepper_Firmata.ino Arduino sketch which can control speed, acceleration/decceleration, calibration setpoints, and position of up to 4 motors using the AccelStepper library (available from:, although the library is also included in the download).

In addition, the Pachube Read component has been completely re-written to have dynamic outputs depending on the type of feed you are using (JSON, XML, and CSV)... That's right, the component also now accepts JSON feeds as well (a big upgrade from the last version).  The Code Generator has seen a few minor improvements to be compatible with the recently release Arduino 1.0 IDE (which now has a new file extension for all file types (.ino)).  Lastly, all of the example files have been updated to work with Grasshopper 0.8.0063.

To download the latest build, visit:

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