algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Added by Andy Payne 3 Comments 37 Likes
I am excited to announce that Firefly has a new and improved website ( The website has many new features including a new forum and an e-commerce shop which includes products like the new Firefly Interactive Prototyping Shield. The Firefly Interactive Prototyping Shield…
ContinuePosted on July 2, 2014 at 8:40am — 6 Comments
I am excited to be teaching a one-day Interactive Surfaces workshop for the upcoming Facades+ Conference being held in New York City on April 11th-12th. The event has an amazing line up of speakers and workshops which are being taught…
ContinuePosted on March 19, 2013 at 9:47am
Hi Everyone,
After a long time coming, the complete Firefly toolkit has finally been upgraded for Rhino 5.0 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions). This new release includes an updated C_sawapan_media.dll (many thanks to Panagiotis Michalatos!) as well as a new installer!
The installer should automatically remove any previous versions, and copy all of the core Firefly Grasshopper Assembly files (as well as any needed dependencies) into the roaming Libraries folder on…
ContinuePosted on February 4, 2013 at 5:54pm — 2 Comments
I have just released an update for the Firefly Kinect (ver. 0.004). There had been a small bug in the Kinect Video Stream and Kinect Depth Stream components which has now been corrected. As before, this build uses the Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.5, which means the components will only work in Rhino 5.0. For best results, I recommend using Rhino 5.0 32-bit version as the Firefly Kinect components also rely on some of the C_sawapan_media.dll functions which has only been compiled for 32-bit…
ContinuePosted on October 3, 2012 at 12:45pm — 3 Comments
I'm really excited to announce the release of several new Firefly endeavors I've been working on over the past few months. The first is the release of a new Firefly Build (1.0067) which is compatible with the latest version of Grasshopper (0.9.0006). This release has a lot of new features including: an entirely re-written Firefly Firmata, multiple web-cam support, a…
ContinuePosted on August 17, 2012 at 2:26pm — 9 Comments
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Thank you Andy, I completely overlooked the setting... Everything is working now. Thanks again for bearing with me.
Hello Andy,
First of all, thank you for your great work.
I am trying to control 30 servos with Arduino Mega 2560 but it seems the servos only twitch as I slide through 0-180 to mega write, and I tried to connect only one servo to different digital pins in several times, the results are the same.
I tested with Uno and all 9 servos worked under the same set up, so I imagined there might be something wrong with the firmatta, and I came across this post in 2011:
the Firefly version I'm using is 64 bit, does it cover for the "buffer size" and "baud width" issues that you mentioned on the post?
I am using Rhino 5.0 and the grasshopper version is april-04 2014 build 0.9.0075. the Arduino IDE version is 1.6.5
Thank you for your time.
Hello ,
Andy I sent you a friends request. I am emanuel From the workshop at
TEXFAB. I am having a issue with the steppers and was wondering if you could take a look at the Grasshopper build that i have used from the library samples.
Thank You
Manny Ferro
Thanks Andy. That cleared up a lot and reinforces what David explained. Had the same thought about handling the high frequency data on Arduino and sending data much less frequency to Grasshopper. Sounds like a challenge that will take some time to figure out.
Hey Andy. Have much enjoyed your gcode definitions in the past and have started using firefly, another great tool. I am trying to do something that sounds like it may have a technical roadblock. I want to read pulse output from an arduino that is running the gcode interpreter GRBL. I use grbl with my diy cnc but I am trying to cobble together a simulator for testing and understanding the firmware and gcode programs I use. The arduino pumps out pulses that are only 5-50 microseconds wide. I think I can set them as big as 255 microseconds wide. I can read the output at 1ms intervals using firefly but obviously drop a lot of information. Do you think there is a way to successfully read those pulses in through firefly?
Hey Andy,
many thanks for your great plug-in.
I am trying to start using Kinect in Grasshopper and I am wondering if you can provide me with some tutorials/hints for beginners?
Many Thanks
Hi Andy,
i've hooked up a dc motor with an h bridge circuit and i have been able to control the rotation and speed so far through Arduino code. Now i wanted to do the same through Firefly, but it keeps working with the Arduino sketch ignoring the current values i am sending through Firefly, shouldn't the Arduino sketch be overwritten? However that was not the case with servos..
Should i reset the Arduino?
Thank you
FYI, I just hooked up a different type of stepper motor ( and the speed is much better. This must be a hardware issue I'll have to look at. Sorry for the trouble.
I really appreciate the quick response. My issue here is speed. I took a look at AccelStepper.h, which mentions that speeds above 1000 steps/sec are just to test it, I tried setting the stepper speed to 1000 on the quadstepper component. The steppers I'm using are vextas:, which have a step angle of .9. So a speed of 1000 should give me an rps of 2.5, but when I set the quadstepper to a speed of 1000, the actual rps I'm getting is really slow, its more like .2 rps.
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