
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I need to learn something about list item. I want to get points on a list one by one seperatly is this possible. for example list includes 10 point set i want to seperate this to different lists like that

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Views: 819

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graft should do that, why do you need the list item ?

Thanks for reply. I need this because i want to make a line on the same numbers in that image. So i need to seperate list and use it one by one. I don't know how can i make this. List item make this but it happens in a long time.

Use the "flip matrix" will shift your data structure. Right now your data is structured such that you have "n" lists of lists of "x" points...your lists will be made discrete by a sequence like Sylvain created {0},{1},{2}...{n}, with each list comprised of points [0] [1] [2]..[x]. What you want to do is "flip" your list index "n" with your point index "x" such that the discretization strategy is inverted. An alternative strategy - if you want to better understand data structure and list logic - is to use the path mapper. David has made a great video that will walk you through the use of path mapper to both understand and manipulate data structure, and there are a number of discussions that also address the issue.

i did it finally. Thanks for your help david i made this using flip matrix:)






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