
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I just set up my first simulation using Octopus and have some basic questions how to progress. I am really sorry that questions are basic and straightforward to most of you but I would appreciate a reply. 

Q1. I run two generations in my generation 0 I can distinguish 3 lines...what do they refer to? I got my Fitness as 5 values Heating, Cooling etc and thought there will be 5 lines 

Q2. What are values on X/Y/Z axis and color legend? What colors means I got black 409.87 and red 33.63 amd tis dot 99.2:5 and green 2.27:4?

Q3. I can see that in every generation my values are condensed ...of course I shall run this for many more generations... but as result of  my simulation which is minimize energy will be the last one that head down? 

Q4. I was reading this forum and there is no current way of savings all results for each run ?

Q5. If there are some any general advice how I shall tackle my problem this would be great!

Ps. I will try to run this example over the weekend to see what is the result.

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