
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hallo everyone,

I have a university project and i wonder if anyone could give me some advice on how to accomplise.

We have made a physical model of membranes and we have to make the Gh model look and work exactly as the physical model.

In the model, we have a curved surface which can be analysed into squares.
These squares are filled with two kind of units which are connected with each other and create a grid that follows this curved surface.

We have managed to analyse this curved surface into a planar surface consisted of squares and we painted the squares with colours to represent the kind of unit that "fills" each square.

So, now in rhino I have managed to build the curved surface that I want it to be filled with the two types of units.

I also have the planar surface built in Gh with the squares split into two lists, each one for each kind of unit.

Because these units are mambranes, I used kangaroo to make them act like mambranes.

I hope I described the problem clearly. The point is to keep the dimensions of the units

the same and make it work in Kangaroo.

Do you have anything in mind that I should look up or any advice ?
Thank you in advance and i m sorry for the extended description.

*Pic 1: the curved surfaces that has to be filled with the units

*Pic 2: The binary system that shows which square is occupied by which unit

         Blue=2 , Red=1, White= Blank

*Pic 3: unit 1

*Pic 4: unit 2

*Pic 5: a point of view of the physical model (not the final curve at the surface)

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