
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,
thanks in advance for the answers!
I have a dream: to understand how to move the CVs of a curve so that it maintains the curvature (G1 + G2 like the "End Bulge" command.. but with Grasshopper).
With the command "End Bulge" I noticed that G2 moves perpendicular to G1!
But with an increase which is not equal... and is different, every time, depending on the angle between G0 and G1 and G2.
How do I predict the position of G2 compared to G1 simulating the "End Bulge" command?

Thank you for your professional answers.



Below you can see an example with a curve crimson ... If I move G1 of 1 unit G2 moves of 0.42 units (perpendicular) .. If I move of 2 units the next step is 0.46 unit... 3 units --> step 0,50 units... etc.

And each time changes depending on the initial conditions (G0/G1/G2 angle).

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Please ^_^

No one can help me?

Maybe I scared you with an image a little bit complex, sorry (and sorry for my english)!


Maybe this image is less chaotic...

The algorithm for EndBulge is rather complex and very deep down. I've asked the math guys in Seattle whether it makes sense to expose it in the SDK and if so, in what way. I'm afraid there's no quick solution to this.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Dho! +__+

Thanks anyway. You've been very kind!

I will continue to try and find. If I am successful you will be notified immediately!

^__^! Thnx!

Did you investigated Derivatives component (Curve tab) which describe G1,G2,G3.... vectors of curve?


You're referring to these components? (my english is very ugly)

Why I try to simulate the curvature control on GH end point (in certain precise locations).
And check out more of curve patterns simultaneously.






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