
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

curve line intersection module not working properly?

Hi, I'm new here, but working with grasshopper since already quite some time.

Since I've finally downloaded the new grasshopper definition (xxxx59) I'm having trouble with the curve-line-intersection module. I hope my problem gets clear with that screenshot:

Shouldn't Pt1 and Pt2 have the same coordinates?

I would like to extract the intersection parameter of the first line/curve in order to be able to modify it and define another point on that curve with that new

any help would be appreciated!

Views: 356


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Stefan,

you're right, it's a bug. 0.6 has got it the wrong way around. The output parameter is actually on the intersection line, not the curve. And the intersection line is not the same as the line you supply, it is adjusted to travel through the entire curve boundingbox. So basically the [t] output is pointless.

This has been fixed, but 0.7 hasn't been released yet.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
hi david,

wow, thanks thanks for that fast and precise answer!
I'll resolve the problem otherwise until 0.7 gets released then.

and by the way also thank you for all your work behind grasshopper ;)!!







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