
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I am new in Grasshopper and in Kangaroo so I really need your with a project. I am attending the AA Visiting School in Rio and, with Lawrence Friesen's orientation, we are trying to produce a tree-like structure that would be made out of fabric and resin, and in order to analyse the different forms it could have we need to make a 3D model of it using Rhino, Grasshopper and Kangaroo, similar to the one shown in the "Interactive Dynamic Relaxation" video found on Grasshopper's website.

I would appreciate it if anyone took the time to explain me how it could be done, or send me the grasshopper file of something similar to the video, then I could try to understand and reproduce it in the form we are creating. This form would be made of different fabric "pipes" that would connect in a branch-like way.


Luiza Rigolizzo


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