
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi every one,
can you help me to write a line attractor definition? Can you just let me know what's your strategy? What I’m thinking is, to extract points from the line and then using points as attractor? Do have any better suggesting? Here is picture of want I’m looking for. Thanks

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This is one way of doing it:

Using PullPoint instead of CurveCP will probably make things a lot simpler. Have you tried that?
oops, I forgot about that one. It would be a good idea to start merging some of the components, it's getting too crowded. GH should be about applying logic and math, not memory :P
thank you
Yup... and it'll get a lot worse. I'm only about halfway done with the components I'd like write. And soon people will make their own. We probably need a better way to structure them on screen instead.






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