
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Anyone know where the autosave files are saves & what the names look like?

I am trying to retrieve an autosave file. GH crashed & I really could use that last autosave file.  Also, what is the procedure to change it back to a usable GH file? Simply change the extension back to .ghx?


This is in relation to a discussion I've been having with David Rutten & Scott Davidson about GH consuming memory in a relatively large GH definition (~.  I think what I've learned from this is that one should limit the size of the GH file, or put some incremental stops in the definition to limit the length of calculations that it runs at once.  Is this a valid conclusion?


The GH file we're talking about is 7Mb & the Rhino file is about 120Mb, but when working w/ the GH def. I try to only keep about 2 curves turned on.


Here's a summary of the discussion:

Hi Mike,

thanks for sending it over. I've been fiddling with the file for about 10 minutes and it climbed from 1.7 GB to 1.9GB, but then I've been switching previews on which means more meshes get calculated so you'd expect a higher memory consumption. It is possible we're leaking memory, but if you're working for hours on end, memory fragmentation might also explain part of the increase. Basically, memory gets fragmented just like disks get fragmented after prolonged use, difference is that memory cannot be defragmented unless you restart the application and allow it to start with a clean slate.

I'll try and find any leaks we may have missed in the past.


──────────── David Rutten 
On 09/03/2011 06:19, Mike Calvino wrote: 
Thanks very much David for the quick response.  I've attached the files zipped.  I can't figure out what's doing it.  After working in the file for awhile, the memory usage in the Windows Task Manager climbs . . . it's gotten to 1.57+Gb before I exited GH & Rhino5Wip & let it dissipate, then restart & work for awhile before it does it again.  It probably takes like 4 or 5 hours before it gets that high.  That's the highest it's gotten, & that only happened while I was working in a Rhino file that had all of the elements baked into it - turned off at least, but it still climbed to 1.57+Gb.  It seems to climbs when you work in the file & move around in both the GH def. & the Rhino file.  Like turn on a few of the  Extr components at the right end of the "StandareRibExtuder" groups, you can watch the MemUsage go up, but when you turn them off, it does not go down. - goes up fast at this point.  Maybe I need to figure out how to do the definition with fewer components, I'm sure that's part of it, but I must confess, I think I'm still early on in the learning curve.

I really hope that this is not operator error on my part & I do apologize up front if it is.  I have done a disk cleanup, I have tried excluding .3dm & .ghx files from my NOD32 antivirus, no change.  I hope you can find something.

Let me know if you have any trouble with the files.
See if you find anything & please let me know . . . thanks!

Views: 11529

Replies to This Discussion

The autosave files are next to the original file. They have "[autosave]" in the name and are always of the type *.gh (gh saves quicker and is smaller than ghx). Autosave files are only made if the original file has been saved at least once and they are overwritten the next time the original file is opened.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I just read this thread AFTER opening the original before finding my auto-save.


As a matter of user-friendliness/idiot-proofing, would it be possible to have a user-set number of auto-saves to keep on deck, so that each session runs a fresh auto-save? Or, when you open the original file, could it check for the auto-save and warn that you're about to cook your auto-save, or offer to open that file instead?






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