
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Remapping flattened componants in relation to the original geometry

Dear Grasshopper Community,

I am going crazy with an issue with the Brep intersect component outcome. I have 408 branches of extruded geometry that are intersecting 408 branches of planes. There are 28 planes created on each node to intersect each Brep (The planes are more than the Brep, so some planes might not intersect the Breps). The outcome for "Brep | Brep" does NOT give me 408 branches. It just gives me 3716 curves in 11,425 branches.

I Basically want those outcome curves to be organize with their original surfaces so I can unroll them easily and associate them with their original surfaces for fabrication. But the outcome tree comes out a mess.

I tried partition list. I tried to intersect the out-curves with the original Breps again in another step but nothing seems to work for me.

I would really appreciate any help I can get.

Thank you

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If you take the resulting geometry and run it through the "Path Shift" component I think you will find it will revert to a 408-branch structure; the intersection components typically organize by "Intersector ; Intersectee" so you can keep track - but it is common to only care about one or the other as the ordering factor. 

Thank you so so much. It worked perfectly with Flip Matrix afterwards to align them the way I needed them to.

Ps: this is the kind of mess I went through trying to solve this issue, only to figure out that a single component will solve it. QQ

Time to take an advance Grasshopper workshop I guess






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