
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Solving 2D Closed Segmented Geometry - Multiple Radii, Consistent Panel Size

Hi all, apologies in advance for the lengthy post, but the problem I'm trying to solve is a bit complex

I'm relatively new to Grasshopper, and I've been using it to try to resolve a relatively complex geometry which will be the basis in plan for a building facade.  The problem is as follows:

I am generating a series of arcs using 3 different ranges for radii.  Each segment of the geometry is assigned one of the radii.  The length of each arc segment is controlled by a specific number, also within a range -- the end goal is to divide this geometry into perfectly equal segments.  

(Parameter Ranges)

I am building these arcs in such a way that they are tied to the arc drawn before it - meaning that as the length of the previous arc is adjusted, the arc in question will still begin where the previous arc ends, and be tangent from said previous arc.  

This approach works well until I get to the final segment of the form.  I want to be able to close the form in a way that the final arc both meets the first arc at its tangent point and is a length divisible by the desired segment length.  

Through a series of trial and error by means of adjusting the radii, panel size, and arc lengths, I have been able to get the geometry to being very close to closed, but there is always some sort of remainder, or the last arc is not tangent to the first arc.

My thought is that this would be a perfect scenario to use Galapagos, but my attempts to do so have resulted in an almost immediate crash of rhino.  I'm not sure if I'm feeding too many inputs into galapagos (the radii ranges and segment length ranges), or that the number I'm telling it to minimize is incorrect (distance between the end of the final segment and the start of the first segment), or if there is a larger issue with the definition I've written, but I haven't been able to figure out the issue.

Are there any thoughts out there on how I might be able to reach a possible solution?  Or at the very least is there any precedent for a geometric shape similar to what I am trying to create which follows the same number of parameters I'm using?

I've attached the GH definition as well as a rhino model for your visual reference.  To preview the GH form in rhino, simply assign the only curve in the attached rhino model to the crv node in grasshopper:

This simply locates everything that's being generated in grasshopper in space in rhino.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts, and also apologies for a somewhat potentially messy definition.

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