
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Since I working with grasshopper 0.90075

rhino & grasshopper not responding after simple changes in grasshopper until forced my to close it from task manger ,

it wasted time & I couldn't complete what i want to do 

I try to clean or stop some programs in computer background , i working in windows 8.1 ,64 bit, 8 G.ram , 1 t.b hard disk , 2 G.B graphical  ram 

Views: 1578

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could please describe the changes or post you definition? the description is to general to help you out



it's not happening with specific definition :(

it happening with any files but for example 

other than pointing out that populate geometry component is disabled (but i guess you already know it), i cannot suggest anything else.

haven't seen that warning window again.

maybe someone else could help.



I do that for these component it caused sometime these error but all algorithm working correctly  no problem !

thanks for you  

I working with Rhino 5 but not the latest update version >> may be the reason ?!

I'll try

Hello, i found ur discussion while searching for answers to my non responding grasshopper file. I am new to both rhino and grasshopper, but with the help of an example i saw (i think by mike Pryor) about pinch points i was able
To add a mesh and pipes to a grid and push pull points to have a 3d volume. Anyway i worked on that for a day and got a first result but after that whenever i try changing balues in number slider or picking new points the grasshopper file stops responding, sometimes works after a lot of time sometimes not at all and i have to force quit.
I am very frustrated abt this as i have a project due and really need to work.
I have rhino 5 and the latest grasshopper. What shld i do? Please help

best thing would be to start a new thread describing the problem you are facing and posting the files you working with.








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