
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I was trying to do this exercise from Nick senske's tutorial

The tutorial starts at minute 17:05. 

In the tutorial Nick gets 10 small rotated lines , when I tried to do the same exercise I get 10 little rotated lines plus one long line , I don't know why I get this extra long line, what did I do wrong?? I posted the GH definition if anyone interested to play with the GH def. and try to figure out what went wrong.

Thanks everyone. 

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Anyone?  It is driving me crazy that I can't figure what went wrong!

Educated guess as don't have access to grasshopper at present, I think the reason it happening is that the shift components now have the wrap set to true by default (w input) this for a long time until recently set as false by default. This is also now true of the Item Component

With it set as true the items that are being shifted are not being removed from the list but looped around and added to the start of the list or the end if your shifting by a minus value, When this is false like i expect the tutorial was designed for it to be the items that have been shifted off list are removed making the list become shorted.

Thus the reason you have a long line that is the length of the distance between your first and last point. In short to fix this just change the w inputs on the shift to False.

Hope this helps



You're awesome. changing the W input in the shift component to False fixed the problem. Also, your explanation helped me understand the output of the Shift component when the W input is set to either true or False. Thanks a lot. 






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