
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Any help would be highly appreciated.

I have an object for which I would need to find the center of gravity. It is not a solid and the density is not even so the centroid point is not much help.

Is there any way to calculate the center of gravity?

If not, is there any way to assign a point to act as a hinge and assign gravity to manually test different points until i find it?

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"the density is not even"

How does it vary?

You probably don't actually need any physics simulation for this - just get the centroids of the separate parts, multiply by the density of each part, and do a weighted average.

It varyies as the whole object is a collection of hallow tubes put together and these tubes vary in diameter. So some parts of the object will have a lot of small tubes (higher density) and some parts will have a few but large tubes (lower density).

Check the attached image to see the principle. The idea of testing each individual tube's centroid and finding the average sounds interesting. Do you think that it would work now that you know more about what the object looks like?






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