
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey all, first post here.  I am having some trouble generating a curve around a cylinder.  I was able to do it in a very sloppy way, but now that I have my inside and outside rails, I cannot seem to loft, sweep or patch them together to make a surface.  Basically, I am trying to make a ramp surface based on geometry (in this case, a cylinder) which I can eventually precisely control the rise.

I am referencing the curves I have selected in the screen shot below (green).

1.  Does anyone know a better way to make the curve up the cylinder based on a rise/run ratio.  I know there's a better way...

2.  What am I doing wrong in creating the surface between the lines I have generated?  I have tried flipping and rebuilding the curves, lofting segments... arggg

Suggestions are much appreciated.  Thanks!

Views: 10775


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Hi todd

Try the edge surface component. I'm attaching the definition.

EDIT: Whoops I forgot to internalize the stuff. Anyway, the curves I used was the line at the top, the line at the bottom and the two curvy lines.


There are better ways to get your curve. See this definition I made. You need Anemone for it to run.

Also I'm still new so I don't know what units grasshopper uses. Is it inches? Feet!? Anyway you'll have to fiddle with that yourself if you want it precise.


it uses what ever units rhino is set to.

There are no units in GH, it depends on units set in Rhino file.

try this its very simple.


Great!  This will work.  Thanks for all of your help!  I knew there were better ways...

Thank you for posting this. If I want to reverse the direction of the helix, what should I do?
I am creating two helixes for a DNA like shape.

Thank you!






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