
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello to everyone!

I need to draw an actual data tree, in the Rhino canvas. Just a simple data tree drawing from a data tree (data structure).

I want it similar to the tree diagram that appears in Param Viewer.

I've some difficulties to set a *simple* Grasshopper scheme that do this.

So I've searched for someone who did this before me and shared the result, but without result.

Can you help me please?

Views: 5070

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There is a lot of code involved in drawing those diagrams, luckily most of it can be used outside of Grasshopper core.

I attached a VB component which creates a diagram using Rhino curves from a DataTree. It's upside down at the moment but that should be easily fixed. Also the input circle is assumed to be in the World XY plane. 


David Rutten


Beautiful...! thanks David

Wow... That's amazing! Thanks David Rutten :)

Hello David,

Your script was of great help to my idea! Sorry for digging up this old thread, however I'm looking for a way to modify some of the code to achieve a certain effect and couldn't find any help - I'm working on a project where I map my family tree using grasshopper.

I already have the data tree structure and would like to use Your code to display it in a manner presented on the attached picture.

Would You spare a moment to guide me how to do it?

Kind regards.







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