
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i need help for creating a origami pattern in grasshopper,

but i'm just know rhino and i dont know any thing about grasshopper( just a little just saw 10 tutorials)

and i want to create some pattern on surface that i create in rhino 

and i create the pattern i want in rhino (my pattern is like space frame)

the picture i uploaded its my pattern and i cant create it in rhino

and i uploaded the surface that i want put the space frame (the origami pattern)on it 

and the rhino files of pattern that i creat 

if someone know please help me its my final project of university and i dont have time to learn grasshopper

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Hi Behnam,

RAR files do not work on Ning forums. Please post a ZIP file instead.


David Rutten


if someone know please help me its my final project of university and i dont have time to learn grasshopper.

Pretty much guarantees that nobody will help you. If this is for a university project then you should probably do it yourself, otherwise what's the point of going to university?


David Rutten

Can we add a 'Like' function to forum replies?

i konw 

i have to learn it

i search a lot in my country that who know grasshopper 

and i wanna go and i learn it i love it but at this moment i cant

because of that 


and this


some one tell me how to start to creat in in grasshopper how should i start i dont konw nothing please help me

This is a very advanced topic. I would suggest looking at the Physics Plug-in to Grasshopper: Kangaroo and search for Oragami

i download the kangaroo plug-in how can i start using it!!could u tell me more about this 

Okay, neither your module, nor pattern file indicate you are actually folding anything. So forget Kangaroo.

It's basically a truss in a triangular grid. Lunchbox might help you find that grid. Then build the individual trusses at the grid edges. The trusses are pretty straight forward line work.

is there any tutorials for this plug-in?






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