
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm having much problems with LIST ITEM. I have a triangle surfaces (around 300 of them) penalized onto another surface. Now I am trying to make offset lines of those triangles and connect them to the triangles so I get tabs for later connection of triangles into a surface. Now when I use LIST ITEM to get three separate lines by setting Item Index to 0, 1 and 2 respectively I don't get separate lines so I can find endpoints and connect them to the triangle.
Here is a screen shot of grasshopper definition. I am using Plugin version 0.6.0059
Please help.

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Yes I have tried to flatten the lists. But if I flatten list I get just one result, just one curve. Here is a screen shot and the same in Rhino. Thanks for help.
You are facing a data structure that consists of many lists of 1 value so List Item will only beable to retrieve item 0 from each list and then error.

What you need to do is retrieve a specific tree branch based on the list of data paths. see example below.
Use the Param Viewer Component ro make a list of Data Paths and then select the intended paths with the List Item and this can be plugged into the Input P of Tree Branch Component.

Thanks for the answer but I have tried it and don't get any results. The problem is when I input the geometry list of 945 defined values into three ITEM LIST components I need to brake them into three groups of 315 but I cannot manage to do that. Here I am sending the grasshopper definition. Thanks
hi emir,

I've added a path mapper component with {A;B;C}(i) --> {A;B} to your ghx file which collapses the last branch into the one above to give each branch 3 items to select from. Does this get what you need?
Danny Thank you very very much. You are a life savior.
It works just fine. I was playing with pathmapper but didn't know how to define it exactly.
Incidentally you could have used the Cull Pattern Component to achieve similar results but avoiding the Path Mapper.

Or with still using the Tree Branch selection method incorporate the cull pattern as well.






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