
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Anyone know how to grasshopperize rotational motion like this?

Trying to rotate a cam with lever to get exaggerated motion. Not sure how to relate the rotation of the cam with the cam's point of contact on the lever. This should be an animated gif when you click on the image...if you don't see animation here, I attached a animated gif file. Also, rhino and gh files. Thanks in advance for any help.


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got it, sorry that was a premature question.


Any thoughts on how to series or orient the action like the attached gif? I'd like to be able to rotate each cam independently to create a sort of gradient motion; similar to point attractor might. Doing this is rhino and copying right now, rotating the cam manually and setting new breps.



I spent 5 minutes looking for a better word than awesome. I will dissect and learn. Thank you so much.

Systemiq how do you make your gifs?

Animate slider, drag first frame on virtual dub, Export->Animated Gif.


Awesome thanks man. Thats going to make my life a lot easier.



David Rutten

Super Sweet! Thanks so much for tackling this one! I am not good at math and still in the beginner range with this stuff. Perfect! Much appreciated. Learned a lot from looking over all the attempts.

Very nice! Post it in the gallery?

Here is my (also ugly) go to find the point.

Since Systemiq already bet my by 10 min, I did not bother to include the bar and will have some coffee now.

Edit: 22 min.


This would have been a nice Coffee+Grasshopper challenge.






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