
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Online Grasshopper Webinars next Tuesday and Wednesday

Dear users,

on Tuesday the 5th of November and Wednesday the 6th of November I shall be doing two webinars (online lectures with ability to ask questions). Both are scheduled between 9am and 11am, PST.

  • The Tuesday webinar will be aimed at absolute beginners. If you already know what components, parameters and wires are then there's no reason to attend.

  • The Wednesday webinar will be aimed at expert users and I shall be talking about three data-tree components (to wit: path mapper, relative items and split tree).

Space is limited so sign up while you still can. The webinars will be recorded so you can always watch them later.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Views: 1404

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It's O'clock in the morning in our country-- not a good time.

It's always going to be a bad time somewhere I'm afraid. You'll be able to download the video+audio later though.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

It's a great pity to miss the chance to talk with you--

I think we'll try and organise some more webinars once I get back home. It'll be in a different time-zone. I don't know yet whether my internet connection in Austria is fast enough to handle life video and audio streaming though...


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Sounds good.

Yesterday I did sign in for the grasshopper webinar, but I did not get any repond or link to have the chance to attend. Would it be possible to get the belonging video? _ I hope that I can join the webinar today within 1 hour.

Thanks so far Switbert

Did you sign up for it in advance?

At least I filled in the online form for it. But anyhow I would really like to get the video. The yesterdays webinar I could join, but to really munderstand everything I also would like to have it as a video. Where are these videos availible?

Thanks for your care    Switbert

Hello Switbert,

The videos will be posted soon at this page:

As of today (2013.11.07) they have not been posted, but I think in the next few days they will be made available.



For those in the UK Rhino5Live reminds me of Radio5Live  :)

Will these videos be removed? I'm thinking they might removed to be sold as rhino training resources...






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