
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Frank,

Those tools look very impressive. 

A lot of people have been waiting for long for some of them especially the dimension components.

But they seem to run extremely slow ,to the point of not being usable at all.

I guess an issue with latest versions of GH,  and you are working on it?

Thanks a lot!

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Hi doompop,

I'm trying to solve a performance bug on the 3d text component, which is a special case. But with dimensions i wasn't aware of perfomance issues. Can you please show me some examples or better send a definition, where you got slow performance? Or maybe you know someone who had similar issues.

This would be great. I wish more people are giving feedback like you, so i can improve stuff.

Thank you!



Seems like it has something to do with my non-administrator privileges at my work PC because it works fine at my laptop. Not sure why though since it s a collection of UserObjects and  I get a lot or red in the preview of the components and that seems to be the problems. I ll check with the IT here but maybe something you would be interested to know also. I attach a screenshot so you see what I mean.

I believe David should integrate your dimensions component to the core GH. It something a lot of people would greatly benefit. 

Great job!

Thanks again!


That's a good idea, to check with your administrator. It's definitely something i would like to know. Maybe i can find a workaround then to avoid errors, like you get.

I don't know if David is interested in putting all that annotation stuff like dimensions into GH...we'll see...but i like the idea.

Please keep me on task with your issue. I think others will also benefit, if we can solve this. You can also contact me on skype if you wish. "double_ef" is my skypename.

Thanks a lot


Thanks a lot!

I attach an image so you can see the red I get and maybe gives you a clue of why a not administrator would have problems running the components. 

The behavior is:

1) Takes 3-4 seconds to load an icon from dragging it from the panel menu to the gh working space.

2) Then components just doesn't work.

This component is a life changing one, especially for architects.

It should definitely be in the core GH library. 

Unfortunately don t have skype at work. I ll try with the IT and let you know what happened.



hi doompop i'm quite busy at the moment, but tomorrow morning we could do a quick remoting via teamviewer (no need for install). But please check with your administrator if you're allowed to.

I would then open this component on your machine with the special password and can do some changes to it. I think max. 15min. it will take to analyze the problem and i can provide a quick fix, so you can go on with your works.

Good evening,







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