
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Newbie question: How do I sort Section Curves for Sweep2?

My curves are not swept in the proper order - in fact they result in multiple srfs. 

This is probably a list/tree issue?  I'm a whiz with Rhino, but GH is very new to me.  .3dm and .gh attached.



Views: 826


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Ok, looks like I've fixed one problem.  By inserting a Flatten Tree component, I was able to get my Sweep2 sections to behave.  Now I have 2 more problems/questions:

1 - How do I get Sweep2 to use a point as an end section (like in Rhino's command line option, "Point")

2 - Is there a FitSrf component?  I want to mimic the "Fit with __ points" option that Rhino gives me in the standard Sweep2 popup window.

If anyone can help, it'd be GREAT!  I'm 90% through a very satisfying definition!

The Sweep component in Grasshopper doesn't have inputs for points, however you can create zero-length line segments that act as points:


David Rutten

Seattle, WA


Also, if I use a Srf edge as a rail in a new Sweep2, how do I set Continuity?

You can't, sorry. Grasshopper only supports curves as rails and there's nothing you can do to 'trick' GH into taking surface tangency or curvature into account.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

In fact it seems that the Rhino SDK method which exposes Sweep functionality doesn't provide a way to use surface edges and continuity so you can't even solve this using a VB/C#/Python script.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA






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