
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,

I have a pretty complex line exploded into segments yielding about 510 curves from that one line. I want to take each curve and offset it at a distance of my choosing. Whats the best way to go about this?

id rather not create 500 curve components and 500 offset components. is there a way i can set an order to these curves and offset them at a distance that follows some sort of gradient ie. the tighter curves offset shorter distances than the curves that are more loose.

ive attached my rhino file with the curve exploded into segments so you can see.

Thank you in advance! im still new to all this.

ive also attached a diagram of my intentions.

Views: 1067


Replies to This Discussion

You can right click on curve component and set multiple. Then you need a list of 500 values. How you get those values is up to you. It can be some attractor or based on length ect.

Thank you, i'll give that a try

i have my curves organized in some form of a list, how would i go about executing the rest of the process? how would i offset these curves based on the value on the given list?

the offset curve component






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