
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear All,

a fairly minor update is available for download from the usual location. This release introduces the new Ning registration code system. Basically, you need Grasshopper before you can register as a new member here. I know that's annoying but right now I'm spending half an hour every day dealing with %&@#$ spammers and their live tv streaming offers.

There also a few benefits for existing users, to wit:

  • Text Tag 3D now has justification options.
  • Component run count is now included in Component tooltips.
  • Polygon Center component now also returns the area centroid for flat polygons.
  • Added Recursive Replace menu option to the Text Replacement component.
  • C# and VB script components now have the option to remove the [out] parameter.
  • The Path Mapper now transmits data without changes if there is no mapping.
  • The Path Mapper now has preset example mappings available from the menu.
  • The Path Mapper no longer asks for confirmation when setting a mapping from the menu.
  • Tapping ALT wouldn't flip Moses interaction direction, this is fixed.
  • Partition List component would fail on zero-length partitions, this is fixed.
  • Partition List component would fail on negative-length partitions, this is fixed.
  • WorldXZ planes would not format correctly, this is fixed.
  • XZY point mask could not be selected from the parameter menu, this is fixed.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Views: 9385

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks a lot David!


Thanks David! 


first of all thank you very much for your hard work on this great tool!!

A long time ago i created this definition for a connector system based on a "quarter iso grid".

sometimes with new GH releases I had to modify some connections and components but this time i find it quite hard to find a solution for my actual problem. Somehow the boolean difference or trim component do not work anymore when i try to cut in the slit spaces into the connector parts...

the pics show the region of "conflict" ;) and how it would come out when lasercut...

I guess there might be i difference now on the bollean difference component on the listmanagment resp. how it reacts on failed intersections.. hope i could make myself clear at least a bit :)

i also have the actual files (RH/GH) i am woking on stored on this download link:

I will appreciate any hints,ideas or comments!!!



I figured out a solution by sorting out breps prior to proceed with the boolean difference.. still seems to be quite a complicated to to make this definition work...

In case someone is interested in downloading and using the def :

any feedback would be appreciated!

all the best


... i have exakt the same problem

all the best


I'll look into it today.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA


Haven't been using GH for a long time. Now I downloaded the update, it seems to be a zip file, no installer. Where do I put these files? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I couldn't find the answer. Thanks!


Hi Gerard,

even though it is a zip file, it should have the extension *.rhi. I think your download application (was it Internet Explorer?) felt it had to be smart about it and change the extension for you.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Yes IE10, no rhi only zip extension. Rename zip to rhi solved the issue. Thanks David!







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