
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

A minor update to Grasshopper is available. This fixes a problem with using the Python component in 0.9.0060.

Download from the usual location.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Views: 5006

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Issue described below is solved, but I figured I would leave it posted...

"After installing 0.9.0061 I am unable to preview most GH geometry.  Only meshes will preview and only in shaded view (no edges).

Immediately after updating GH, Rhino also updated so that may be related.

current Rhino version after update: 5 SR5 (5.5.30912.16275, 09/12/2013) 64bit

I attached an image showing how a plane and mesh will preview but not a curve.

Any chance there is a rollback to 0.9.0056 available?


This is not a GH problem.  I had an existing shortcut to Rhino 5.0 on my desktop.  When Rhino updated it must have changed the exe location or something in the registry because the old startup link starts rhino with a graphics card issue causing the Grasshopper preview to break.  When I launch Rhino from the program menu the preview works.  Deleted shortcut, problem solved.  


Thanks for following up.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi David,

poking around some more, this issue has popped up again a few times.  It is intermittent and tricky to replicate, but it was not fixed but using the new startup shortcut.

From what I can tell, it intermittently happens when I open a cluster, make a change and then save and return to original GH file. 

Oddly, the problem is then associated with the Rhino geometry file not the script -- so if I open another GH script with same model file problem persists but if I open new model file with same script problem disappears.  

I will update if I can narrow it down any further.

When I download and upgrade, grasshopper is still loading/showing 0.9.0056

is anyone else having trouble upgrading?

There have been a number of diverse problems with the RHI files (it is very new technology after all). Please contact Brian Gillespie at about this, he'll probably want to figure out what went wrong.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Updating to .0061 from .0056 which I installed back in May.  Tried the drag and drop but rhino won't accept the new file.  What's the procedure to install the new update?   

RHI files can be double clicked to run them. But note that recent versions of Rhino5 have a bug that prevents this when a SR is installed. It should be fixed for the next release, but in the meantime you'll have to go into the Windows Control Panel and 'repair' the Rhino5 installation. Then RHI files will work again.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Installation repair did the job.  Thanks for the fix.

Hi all I have a Problem, I downloaded the latest version of GH but it only installs itself on Rhino5 64 not on the 32bit version.

Any Idea on how to solv the problem?




Hi to all

I have a little problem with installing. When I run the installation file - grasshopper_0.9.61.0.rhi it gives me this: This package is not compatibile with the Rhino Install Engine

Why is this happening? I have Rhino 5 64 bit. How can I solve this?


I think you need a newer Service Release of Rhino5. Which one do you have?


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Yes, u are right! I just install the new one and now installation for grashoper works great. 

Thanks David!






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