
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to create a digital model that would simulate a physical model I've created recently.

Essentially it is a piece of loose string that is attached to two motors at each end - when powered, the string creates a series of standing waves or interferences.

I've been playing around with Kangaroo and this is where I've got to so far. I've managed to introduce some graph mappers to alter the vector of the force so that it is rotary (or appears to be).

The string does rotate when moving the slider slowly - though when moving the slider too fast the string doesn't really catch up to the speed.

I'm wondering if there is a better way to simulate this rotary motion? I'm also hoping that when it does spin faster, more nodes will appear like it does in the physical machine.


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So something like this ?

Standing waves and resonance are a great thing to explore

I made a simple definition for these that I thinks is quite fun to play with. The trick is to use the counter component to control the rotation of the anchor points. (note that you don't need to connect the timer to the main Kangaroo component, as all updates from the counter are already propagated downstream)


Thanks Daniel, that does exactly what I intended - more realistic too.

The simulation creates some really interesting results when using the trail component.

Daniel Palacios's string installation was indeed the first thing that inspired me to experiment on this topic, very fascinating.

Great, thanks for bringing up an interesting question.

I bet this would be good to combine with some of Firefly's tools as well, for instance driving the rotation with an audio input...





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