
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here are three grasshopper documents for generation thread screw

  1. ACME 
  2. ISO screw thread external (male) and internal (female).
    1. One script for metric (mm) and
    2. one for US unit (inch).


The scripts just generate surface with or without problem on joints. I did 1 turn RailRevolution with n threads profile. It seems not better with n turns with 1 thread profile.

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thanks, it work fine

Just wanted to say how great this is, very helpful.  Thank you!

Hi Laurent,

I dit some additional stuff with your script. I made it solid with caps and added the chamfers to the start and end: 

Thx for your scripts.

Kind regards, Peter Kompier.


Hi Peter

I had difficulties to make solid, but it work fine with your script. I discovered new functions.


Here are scripts for GH 0.9.0056. I will try to make them solid.



What are you using to rendering those?  They look great.  Care to share any settings or tips?  

Hi Stanley,
I use RhinoLive from RandomControl.

Hi Laurent,

I dit some more modifications:

- Interface: select target surface,

- Measure the length and diameter,

- Changed the procedure to handle partial turns, 

- Add champfers,

- Place solid @ selected surface.  

And i made a knurling script, based on this movie:

Kind regards, Peter Kompier.


Here the knurling script i made: 

- Adjustable carve angle,

- Number of carves,

- Depth of carve,

todo: place @ target surface, Boolean intersect not stable. 

Ok. Knurling script is stable and fully adjustable now. Included Gates to adjust model without the intersection operation.

Also the measure from, and adjust to target surface is included.

With interface group: 


Hey Laurent,

How does the male female work?  It seems like the surface are directly on top of each other.  I am trying to use this for 3D printing.  It seems as though the tolerance would be to tight for the threads to actually work.

What do you think?



Hi Stanley,

I've done a lot of 3d printing where I print the threads of screws.  This usually works really well.  I usually download a model of the specific screw I intend to use off of McMaster Carr (  For the female side, you can download a hex nut and match it to the screw threads.  They usually include various formats for the model that you can download (.igs, .stl, .obj, etc).  You could check your models against these screw/nut threads to check for accuracy.  Just a thought.

Thanks Andy.  Yea, That make total sense.  I completely forgot that McMaster has models available.  I'll give it try.






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