
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I wrote a grasshopper definition about a year and a half ago, maybe two, that made use of some python scripting components. I don't know what versions of Rhino/grasshopper or python I was using as our firm updates these things all of the time. I just opened the files today and the python component has "old" plastered over it and when I open it up all of the code is gone. 

ANYONE know how to fix this?

Much thanks.

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Hi Jon,

my best guess on how to fix this is to use the GH_IO_Viewer.exe (called FileViewer.exe in the very latest GH), convert the file to GHX (if it was already GHX, then ignore this step), open the GHX file in a text editor and try to find the code.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi Jon

if your organization is using Grasshopper 0.9.59-0.9.60, then I think I know what is going on. These are outdated versions that do not support the Python component. Otherwise, I think I would like to know what is happening and attempt to fix it for you and for the whole community, if this is a GhPython-related problem.

If you are using 0.9.61, could you send (one or one of these) definitions? You can do so in private with a PM to me,




Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates


I just downloaded the "most recent" build from the grasshopper site and the build that was downloaded was

Grasshopper 1.0 (0.9.0052). When I installed it and opened my files it said that my files were actually produced on a newer build. I believe it was .0.9.0056.

Not sure what is going on.

So I figured out why I got the wrong build. If you go to the grasshopper site and then click on DOWNLOAD/Latest Build you get the 52 build. If you just click on DOWNLOAD and not the drop down choices you get the 61 build.

However, even with the 61 build my python components are empty. I have included them with this reply. thanks for taking a look.

In case of "old" empty Python components, this method has previously worked for retrieving the code. Good luck..

I am not sure that I understand the suggestion. When I right click there is nothing to copy.

But I appreciate the help.

Like so: Right-click the "code" input parameter -> Go to "Set Data Item" and click the cursor within the text input -> Ctrl + A to select all, CTRL + C to copy the text -> Paste the text in a new Python component or text file. FYI, for some reason your components appear to have two "code" inputs, the script text are on the second input.


That was exactly what I needed to do. Thanks again for the help on this. Not sure what I would have done if I couldn't recover this code.

No problem, glad you got your code back..

looks like my files were too large at first.







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