algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I generated a mesh with rhino from a very basic NURB geometry.
Although, I have intersecting cylinders and plans, so Rhino is clearly giving me a QUAD + TRI mesh. I refined my mesh with Weaverbird as recommended D. Piker.
I then relaxed it using Grasshopper + Kangaroo and obtained a nice smooth mesh (entirely triangulated from weaverbird).
But the problems start now...
I am trying to get a NURB surface out of my mesh in order to extract the some geodesic curves out of it... Looked into it and it seems that T-Splines is the way to go... Although apparently T-Splines is not liking my mesh for 2 reasons:
1) it is fully triangulated
2) it is a mesh generated in Rhino (.stl) and T-Splines only deals with .obj. Right?
So, my question is which way to go?
- Is it possible to generate the mesh in C4d (as .obj) and then put it back in Rhino+Gh+Kangaroo and then use T-spline on it? Would it remain an .obj mesh through the whole process?
- Or should I try to get the geodesics another way?
- Or should I get EvoluteTools to remesh it? But would that really help cause I dont even know if the evolute guys are using obj or stl...
There are 2 separate issues here - file format and tri-to-quad
File format is the easy part - stl and obj are common formats and can be opened or saved by most appplications.
Going from a triangular mesh to a quad one is a harder process.
As a first approach, I would suggest trying to remodel your initial mesh out of all quads, then subdivide with weaverbird, relax with Kangaroo and convert to NURBS with T-Splines. Remember it only has to be a very coarse initial mesh.
Automatically converting a triangulated mesh to all quads will be more tricky, and would need some additional software.
Hi Daniel!
Thank you for the answer.
I found my way around using a very coarse quad mesh and then refining it + relaxing it.
I am having trouble now getting my geodesics as I ended up with a polysurface and to get the geodesics I need one primary surface... So I am investigated, but my primary problem is solved!
Thank you!
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