
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to round x,y,z coordinates up in data trees with different kinds of data

I'm using grasshopper 0.90056.

First question is ,all the coordination points are showing ".000000" which I would like to eliminate. What should I type exactly in the expression in this case? Should I create x,y,z as inputs? I read some similar discussion and there are many ways to do that;Format 0:00 , round(x), so on and so forth, but not sure how to apply that to (x,y,z) coordinates.

Second question is how can I use that expression to different kind of data as shown in the attached pics. Not all of the data are ( x,y,z). Text, information of arc ( center point, radius, angle) whose # are also needed to be rounded up are included in same data tree.

Please advise me if any thought or solution.
Thank you in advance.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Tomo,

are you looking to specifically make some text that represents points, or do you want to change the way Grasshopper displays all points in tooltips etc.?

Operating only on certain elements in a list or tree is actually rather difficult. Do you know which items in a tree are points, or could they be everywhere?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Thank you for a reply.

If any tips for changing all of the points coordination digits to integer, that is perfect.
It doesn't have to be just specific one; however I would like to keep the angles of arc to be kept remain.

Ok, I under stood. I will regenerate all the tree to separate coordination points, arc information, and text.
In that case what should I type in expression for coordination points and arc center point to be integer?

Since most of the discussion about expression is out of the date, if you know any good tutorial for using expression in grasshopper ver.9.0056 or newer, please let me know. I would like to under stand the fundamental system of using expression with variable parameter ZUI.

Thank you in advance.

I want to do the same thing. Did you figure it out?

do you mean this?

Oh, wow, that is exactly what I wanted!!

Thank you very much.

I really appreciate your effort to share this to me.

Thanks again!!






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