algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Edit: this is no longer true. Rhino_DotNET will still be available in Rhino6 albeit in a somewhat reduced form. It will probably disappear in Rhino7. Once we have a webpage up explaining what, how and why, I'll post a link to it here.
Come Rhino6, the old Rhino_DotNet SDK will no longer be available. This means the Legacy VB/C# components will no longer work, nor will any GHA files that depend on that SDK. It'll be pure RhinoCommon all the way.
If you are still using Rhino_DotNet.dll, please stop doing so asap. If you need functionality which isn't yet available in RhinoCommon, let us know and we'll make sure it gets added.
David Rutten
Tirol, Austria
When Rhino6 is released?
No idea when it will be released. The first beta is probably a few months away.
David Rutten
Tirol, Austria
dying for it!
Oh this also means some nice hidden classes will be gone forever? like the RMA.UI.MRhinoUiDockBar ...
will be a alternative for this?
There will be. The UI for Rhino6 will be .NET based and I think Steve and John just about removed the last traces of Rhino_DotNET from the UI code.
David Rutten
Tirol, Austria
So this means that if we want our existing DotNet plugins/components to work in Rhino 6 they will need to be re-written to use RhinoCommon?
As somebody with over 100,000 lines of Rhino_DotNet-dependent code that this will affect I can't say I'm entirely enthusiastic about this.
Unfortunately yes.
David Rutten
Tirol, Austria
That's... unfortunate. The old "so don't worry about a wasted development effort" line that I see has been recently removed from the RhinoCommon page was a bit of a fib, then? It should really have read "so don't worry about a wasted development effort... until Rhino 6; then worry about it lots".
To help me decide how high a window I should jump out of; when you say 'no longer available' what exactly do you mean? Presumably anything that interacts directly with Rhino itself is out but will the basic OpenNURBS/Rhino geometry objects still be usable, or as they're wrapping the C++ SDK will they be FUBAR'd as well? Will the existing conversion utilities in RhinoCommon be maintained?
Could we, for example, use RhinoCommon to get geometry out of Rhino/Grasshopper, convert it to On_/MRhino_ objects, do whatever we need to do to it with our old code and then convert it back to RhinoCommon form to go back into Rhino itself?
Hi Paul,
We're going to have a meeting about this issue next week while David is in the Seattle office.
Hi Steve,
Is there any early builds of v6 Rhino common? I'd like to start testing early, I don't think my github issues about drag'n'drop and building your own brep were ever closed (not to say I've tested service release builds to see if they were addressed).
These were 2 issues preventing me from removing the rhino dotnet references from my plugin for v5. Would be good to check if any others as early as possible.
I think .rui interaction (adding tabs etc) was another request I would have. Probably this discussion should be on discourse or github.
Thanks Steve, let me know how it goes!
Hi Steve,
Any update on the outcomes of this meeting?
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