
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to install Karamba and for that I need to find the grasshopper.dll file. I cannot find it searching on windows with hidden files shown. Even thought this file is nowhere to be seen Grasshopper still runs. 

Any ideas what the issue is here?

I have used the tecnhique of going on files -> special folders -> settings folder to find the folder it should be in but it is not there.

Any help would be appreciated. 

Link provided is grasshopper running and grasshopper.dll search coming up fruitless. 

Views: 4185

Replies to This Discussion

grasshopper.dll is not hidden and should show up on windows explorer searches.

To go to grasshopper.dll directly, do the following:

  1. Start Rhino
  2. Run the _PluginManager command
  3. Locate Grasshopper in the list of plugins
  4. Open the properties for the Grasshopper plugin
  5. At the bottom of the Properties window there's a 'File name' entry
  6. This points to GrasshopperPlugin.rhp, which is sitting next to Grasshopper.dll


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Thank you!





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