
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sorry this might sound like some noob question, however, I need some help.

The goal is to connect all points with an intersecting line. So far I'm only achieving the connection in one direction. As you can see in the image.

How do I connect in all directions?  

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As you can tell, I am probably not using the proper terminology. Please correct if I'm not being clear.

can you post your definition?

I think this is a [flip matrix] solution.

If no one else posted an example before i get to work i'll do one in an hour

Alright guys, here is an update... Per Danny's suggestion this is what I'm getting... It's getting close. However, How do I control the one point from connecting to all vs. one to one.


By having the [List Item] you are getting only 1 item on each branch so when you flip it you get one branch many items.

Th Flip Matrix flips rows to columns etc so many to many. Maybe you could sketch the desired goal.

Alright, I attached the definition, sample geometry, and the sketch with the desired outcome... Hopefully this will clear up my intent.

As you will see i'm basing everything off of the top surface with points projecting onto another surface below. 

Im, not really worried about the [list item] right now, as I can simply change the 'index' within it to alter what points are effected. However, if there is an easier why to do this, I would certainly give it a shot. 


I would approach it like this:


Wow, that is exactly what I need! Thank you very much!

Quick question, why do your components in the image above, show up as icons vs, text.? is that just preference?

However, again, thanks a lot!

display>draw icons

Another version with Solid Cells







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