
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I wonder if I can make a colour very intense so, that I can't see what's behind it or transparent so, that I can see what's behind it?!

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Change transparency in gh settings for display colors.

Where is that? ... 


wow ok ... Doesn't work though ...

These are three meshes ... and that's a sphere, which is also a mesh object ... Now the Sphere is meant to be FULLY shown on the screen ... and not just the intersection parts with the other meshes ... you feel this? ... So the other things should be transparent?

try materials component and custom preview component. 

the component is named materials?

vector>colour>create material.

hint: if you double click the gh canvas you can search for keywords, I know you dont like searching ;) but it can be useful. 

I tried alot ... all what I want is to show this sphere FULL FULL FULL and not CUT CUT CUT ... ;)


This means I should be able to see through the PINK MESH ;)



here another photo in case, if any other beautiful hints cross your mind:


Here with create material and transparency = 1.0 for the three meshes around the sphere mesh ... The three other meshes are there, but T = 1.0 ...

It can't be the transparency of the surfaces though ... What is it?!

The thing is: Regardless what's going on around this sphere, I would like to see it FULL FULL FULL ;)

Why can't it just show me the frigging full thing?!

So what do I have to do, what I have just done, to get the rest of that thing ... Just messing about^^

I mean, how do I get the other 3/4 of the sphere?!


Well, I did it again ... What did I do then? :D







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