
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can anybody explain how I can create something like this...

This image particularly has the start of what I want to create...

I've been trying for days with every which method I can think of ... but from the blog description ... It's surely something simple.

It's kinda like Daniel Pikers but working on 3d instead of within a plane.

My latest messy attempt is attached, a mashup between the circle of hexagons I want to start with and a code-it deformation, I had been manipulating before

To recap, I want to be able to bulge up a hex grid in z as well as x,y

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appologies all....

After all that I just found the file on co-de-it.... oooops

I love co-de-it

This is now much more what I was after


I just had a bit of a play as well...I haven't really ever dug into attractors all that much, so this one looked like a fun way to try something out (also means that there are probably a lot of other approaches more efficient than mine!).  But looking briefly at the coodeit defintion, I think you may find a little more control over your geometry with this one...needs weaverbird...

edit: I perform the wb loop subdivision twice because it doesn't like doing subdivisions deeper than 3.  Also, I set the depth on the stellate to zero.


and the 3dm...


Oh my goodness I'm absolutely gobsmacked!

That's impressive!

OK, I had moved on to my usual adding sails onto things...

But I think I'll go back and rework this with your definition if you don't mind.



In this sprawling mess of a definition above it's best at the end to "flip curve" one of the catenary sets to be guided by the other... avoids the occasional confused sail






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