
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

If I would like to include the geometry I have just created in grasshopper in the window, that oppens, when I click on "animate" in the context menu of a number slider, what should I do exactly? how is this done?

How do I get rid of this "free space" and get good pictures?

what is the reason, that makes this "free space" show? how to control this?

Thank you very much for help and advice in advance ...

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What does the "Value = 3.1416" in this window mean?

It's about the preview screen .. in which way will this be adjusted so, that I can get the geometry? ... and how do I get the geometry as clear as the sun? ...

That is PI.

It is used and an example for you to see what the tag will look like when/if you include it.

As you have not ticked the box it does not matter.

If you are interested in including a tag then you can change the Format String on the left hand side for example

Frame#{0:00} Value = {1:0.0} Would give the results "Frame#23 Value = 3.1"

More about format options can be found reading this thread:

The Geometry that shows in the animation is the same as what you have Visible from your GH definition

Thank you man.

nice example is that! ...

Ok, It doesn't matter how the tags look like ...

I'm interested in including the geometry, that I have visible from my gh definition in the animation pictures.

I'm not interested in including grey space in the pictures, that are produced when I animate.

What I want to have is: clear pictures with no grey space ... So what's the parameter, that makes this real?

Is the grey space the background of Rhino?

If so the easiest fix would be to set the background colour in options to white.

The backgroung of rhino is white! That's confusing me ...

If I want to enumerate the frames from 10 to 20 instead of from 0 to 9, can this window of "animate slider" help me with this????

like NOT: Frame_00000, Frame_00001,..., Frame_00009

BUT: Frame_00010, Frame_00011,...,Frame_00020

Is this possible, where to adjust, where the counting starts?!


I don't understand, how this "Filename Template" works?!

let's say, I want to make 3 pictures and give the the numbers Frame_1, Frame_2 and Frame_3 ... After that I make another 3 Frame Frames and give them the numbers Frame_4, Frame_5 and Frame_6 ... Is something of that possible with that tool?!

Thanks very much for the help and advice in advance.

I get by the first series: 000,001,002,003 (frame count = 3)

the second: 004,014,024,034 (frame count = 3)

The first number of the second series is beautiful, why can't it just continues the beautiful numbers 004,005,006,007?!


This thing works a bit binary for me!

it is the "filename template"

how does this give the numbers for the frames?

The problem with the grey space has this solution:

you have to keep these two things in that position while changing the resolution. Otherwise you will get this grey space.

EDIT: still haven't figured it out, how the frames are named! ...

What I could figure out is:

This symbol "#" is where the counting starts

If I put in the Filename template: Frame_{0:0#} and make Frame count = 3, then I will get: Frame_00, Frame_01, Frame_02 and Frame_03


Is this symbol "#" some sort of "start counting from 0 to 9"?


Is there a symbol for "start counting from 4 to 9"?!!!!!!






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