
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Why does not this work?
I tried to follow this video with no luck:
I can't get a good mapping whether I change the domain in the surface uv mesh or in the image sampler (set to 50 in the attachment).

I tried reparameterize in the surface component, but still nothing..



Views: 1986


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just use Import Image in v0.9.0056 or... reparameterize your surface and with the mesh vertices, use uvP from Srf closest point and use the default domain (0 to 1) of ImageSampler.

Sorry, I can´t install that version right now, could you send a print screen of the reparameterizing process?

Hey, I just checked your reply. Thanks for solving it. One more question if i may, changing the domain of the uv points of the surface up to 1000 for example, seems to increase the resolution of the image, but how can i control the mapping to get tiles, like in the video i posted? thx 

ImageSampler/ right click TILE and play with the domains.






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