
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

it there a way to tell an input parameter to not expire or recalculate the solution even if the value changes.  basicly i want to register an input param and tell it to never expire the solution.

Views: 429

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What is the point of the input if it doesn't alter the solution downstream?
sounds like baked geometry to me...

or if its data a stream to external text file/spreadsheet... ?
No, this is not possible. Unless you completely code up the object from scratch.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
the point is to control the what updates a component.

for example i have a few custom components that are time based just like kangaroo, firefly and a few other. those components use a timer to expire the solution at set intervals.

but lets say you have a few properties on the component and during the simulation you change a value. this triggers an update, then the timer triggers an update, so now the animation is out of step because the slider i changed triggered an update before the timer did. also if the animation is not playing (timer off) and i change a value i do not want the component to update.

this scenario would apply to any event based component where the update occurs based on time and not inputs.

hope this makes it more clear.







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