
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Let's say I have three points in WorldXY:

Point A = (0,0)

Point B = (5,0)

Point C = (10,0)

Is there a way, that can do this:

Show point A ... Wait 5 seconds ... Then show point B ... (Point A and B are shown) ... Wait another 5 seconds ... Then show point C ... (Alle three can be seen) ...


Thanks in advance ...

Views: 1329

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Ok, got it!!!!!!!!!

(copy + paste)

oh man it keeps writing over and over again ...

I deleted it and the writing still exists! ... 

I tried this, but there is some red colour around it ... Can I also get rid of this red colour?


Ok, the whole thing crashed down ... Now it works again ...

How to give it a colour? ...

how to get a string with a black colour of it?!

It's perfect ... I got it in the right place ... Now I need to give it the right colour ... how to do this?

somehow it worked ... I don't know how ...

@ David:

I now have most of the work done ...

What I had to do for my supervisor was an animation of a geometry problem ...

With this "three points problem" is my first exercise more than just finished!!! :)

It's a bout motion of some points, lines and circles ... After the motion my supervisor would be very glad, if this is possible:

t=0 ... the motion begins to start ... t=1 ... the motion is finished ... Animate => virtualdub => gif animation ...

I need to highlight these points ... but not all at the same time ... 

To be honest it's not really about highlighting the points, but it's the same thing I guess ...

I need to show, that these three lines are parallel to each other ... 

So I construct 2 lines with a distance for example 1 cm and each has the length of 2 cm and they make a 60° angle with the x-axis. Then I group them in a group component. So this is the problem ... 

I could do that: when t happens to be 1, then I could show all the lines at the same time ... But this is not, what my supervisor is asking me to do ... he is asking me to let them show slowly one after another ... 

If it gets too complicated, I'll jump in :D ... So I appreciate any help with this ... Thanks again :)

I mean like: show these three objects after the geometrical construction is finished (after t has runned from 0 to 1) ...


Like telling gh:

yo gh ... t is now equals one ... now please show me very slowly the sequence of the three "objects" ... show me one ... wait a bit ... show me two ... wait a bit ... show me three ...

You realize you are talking to yourself now. Theres an edit button to add to a previous response so you dont need to do so many.

Thank you ... Now I know ... The "edit button" ... ok :)






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