
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Let's say I have three points in WorldXY:

Point A = (0,0)

Point B = (5,0)

Point C = (10,0)

Is there a way, that can do this:

Show point A ... Wait 5 seconds ... Then show point B ... (Point A and B are shown) ... Wait another 5 seconds ... Then show point C ... (Alle three can be seen) ...


Thanks in advance ...

Views: 1329

Replies to This Discussion

Hmm, tricky. Timers are the only things that allow you to perform operations on a time-based schedule in Grasshopper, but it's a bit awkward to go from a timer to a set of animation frames. One way would be to use the [Data Recorder] to keep track of how many times the timer has fired (see attached).


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


wow cool ... But I don't get it :D

and david ... Is there any way, I could give a specific point made in GH a name with a specific font?!

thank you.


¬¬...This is becoming something like Groundhog Day o.O

haha :)

exactly :)

When david says it's tricky so I leave this ... It's not so important for the drawing, that I have ... Important is to figure out, how to have an Arial Font! I'm trying this with rhino, but I get this!!!!!!!!!!!

got it:

Can I work with this in Grasshopper? With this letter?

How can I get it in GH as a string object?

ok, sorry to ask another question ... But I really need to know, how this works ... I have strings in GH and they don't look so nice as these from rhino ... With these letters I made some boolean operations ... I ask myself, if I could put the letters of rhino insteed of these letters I just gave in gh ... 

like "set one point"? 

BIG kiss

When I zoom out, it looks like this:

one question:

how do I get this component into the canvas of my gh, where I have my algorithm?






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