
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anyone know how to rotate a floorplan to the best position based off a series of points in galapagos?



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Ok, the attached file uses a Galapagos Gene Pool object so you can adjust landmark weights on the fly. It's a really cool way to see the contribution of each landmark on the final fitness landscape.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



Why when using this definition and when updating the old remap component with the new one we dont get the same answers?

Thank u 

Check that your S and T inputs have the same Domains as the original.

Also I cannot remember if the original Remap clipped the results or not but that is why there are two outputs now.

Incidentally, if you just want to orient a shape to face the average of a set of numbers, Galapagos isn't required. You can just compute the average point and then rotate the shape directly (see attached).


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


hehe that's been my point all the time, only I suggested multiplying a coefficient (scalar) by the vector and then adding all the vectors, you did it in a more efficient way. 

You could swap the average component for the weighted average component to be able to give each landmark a specific importance. 

Cool drawings David, how did you do them?

It's a new feature in the next GH release called Export Quick Image 

Oh I meant the drawings from the previous post. I would have done them with Illustrator and would have taken me quite some time, but David seems to have done them fairly quickly. 

XaraX. Probably about 3~5 minutes each. Xara is pretty good when it comes to getting simple stuff done. It lacks a lot of features of Illustrator but then that also means they don't get in the way.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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