
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to HIDE and SHOW objects through grasshopper?



I'll be happy to know if it is possible even if it is in a non-direct way.


what i eventually want to do is to use a number slider to show and hide objects in rhino,


for example: I have 10 spheres and boxes all around rhino in different XYZ coordinates,


I want to have a number slider that will make a number of different objects visible or hidden

according to it's value. when it's on "0", there are no objects displayed and for example when it's set to "7", there will be 7 objects showing..


the objects are always in the same place and the same order of hiding and showing..

if later it will be possible to randomize the appearance order it would be great!


I'll appreciate any help..




Roy Z.


Views: 5591

Replies to This Discussion

If you reference geometry in GH and then Hide the original Rhino Version only the GH will show (in Red by default). You can generate a pattern of Ones and Zeros to represent your Show/Hide criteria to plug into a cull pattern component, which will achieve what you need. I've used the repeat component in the example to get the right number of ones set by the slider.

Thanks a lot for your help,

I will look into it!

is it possible to hide any object or block in a rhino model with respect to its layer name then ?

you can set references by layer with horster. This should make it possible to hide input respect to its layer name.

Best Regards


Can you show it a little?






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