
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a Line and I want to change the thickness of that line with Grasshopper. How does this work? ... I want to have a thicker or a thiner line ... Is this possible with Grasshopper? ... If yes, how to do this? ...

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I mean they change the position and aren't fixed in one place.

I'm guessing you have a list of points that you want to have 'O's so at any given time you will still have a list of points that require 'O's Therefore you can draw circles at these locations and give them a thickness where ever they may be.

There is also the possibility of writing PS files (which can be later converted into pdf)

It isn't possible with """just"""  grasshopper. (Sorry about that)

As long as you don't need to bake that directly as an object property... There is a grasshopper plugin from Andrew Heumann that can preview linewidth in GH. It's called Human.  

If you want to bake that then you can bake each linewidth to a specific layer an control thickness by layer. 


I tried it and it works fine. 

Create the layers with "create layers" component, specifying all the layer attributes and then bake the geometry to those layers. 

Just make sure you installed the latest "Human" plugin



where do I get the latest human plugin?

Because I got it from here:

Comment by Andrew Heumann on August 13, 2012 at 7:34am

Thanks for the interest everyone! Until the food4rhino site gets going, here are the components for download:



And it tells me, that there are five components missing to run the algorithm!

is it possible to bake line with its "thickness" 


no danny ... I have onle six points ...  I can put circles on them, but they are connected ... The "Radius" still exists. If you could tell me, HOW to delete the radius or "not show" the radius, I would love love you for that, but I love you anyway :)

Something like this


I'll try this ... Many thanks!

Man, Danny, this is too difficult for my tiny mind.

Let's say I have two Points. I connect them with a line. I draw circles around them. The circles intersect the lines. 

Can I samehow divide this curve into three parts?

A long line between the points of intersection and two small parts "radius"?

And can I then "not show" these small parts? ...







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