
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anyone have a definition that would generate something similar to the image below? I have an hourglass "column" that transitions to a "roof" that I would like to have this type of voronoi treatment. I've attached my rhino file in case that helps. Thanks for looking!

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Did you mean this kind of result ?! Well this approach only works correctly if the surface it wasn't  trimmed , and in your case the surface are trimmed .

Yes, that is what I'm looking for. I need the segments to have closed surfaces so I can 3d print. What do you mean in my case the surface is trimmed? Like each cell? or do you mean the starting surface?

This is very nice Joaquim. This is kind of surface I was trying to create. Could you please help. I am familiar with GH and have created some complex geometries, but I still don't think I am anywhere near to an advanced or fluent GH user. Could you please suggest how did you pulled the voronoi like reliefs on the surface. The textured surface is what I need but I am unable to create a relief like look.


i mean that in your case, you don´t work with a regular  boundary. and well I try to apply this approch on your surface and the result it´s no so good. have a look. The voronoi diagram doesn´t respect your surface boundaries. If later I solve this problem i let you know.

Ah, I understand. That would be fantastic. I have been trying to figure this out for quite some time with no success. I really appreciate your help. Thanks Joaquim. 

It is usually better to use 3D voronoi (from random points on or around the brep)and intersect it with the shape:

Then you can use the intersections to build your structure.

It´s a good strategy too, actually now i explore a strategy to apply the voronoi diagram on "irregular boundary "surface.

Oh my gosh...How did you do that?! I am very new to grasshopper and have been struggling with this for quite awhile. I think I got in over my head. This is for a project that is due next week. I was about to take the whole surface (this is just a piece of it), and try to do it by hand. 

Would you be willing to post the definition that you used for this? I can't tell you how grateful I would be.

Maybe with some notes if there is anything tricky involved. Like I said, I am pretty new to Grasshopper. 

Another way, you need to download topologizer and exoskeleton. You can find them on the forum just use the search bar. In my case I only did the top surface, But as Systemiq has done, you can use this same definition and just select the entire geometry. But I will leave that to you ;)


Ahh! I keep getting some of the segments connecting back to the origin, now that I am working with more complex geometry. I tried a few different things, but my knowledge is not sophisticated enough to solve this issue. 

Did any of you come across this? If so how did you solve it. I have posted my file and the definition I'm working with. I am stuck, please help if you can.

When I scaled it down to be 3D printable, it no longer seems to be a problem. So never mind....thanks!






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