Hello, first I apologize for constantly posting discussions regarding similar topics. I have had nothing but trouble for this project.
I recently posted a discussion asking about an alternative to using T-Splines for rhino. Something that could be done in grasshopper using a collection of existing curves. I was told that exoskeleton would be a good alternative. I also was told that exoskeleton works on rhino 5 only.
here are where my issues come in. my university does not allow the installation or programs and plugins that cost money on institutional machines. ex. a computer lab. they must purchase a license for the product.
so my question is, are there any other alternatives to exoskeleton that can be used in rhino 4? I've looked at many discussions and have no luck, which is why I started using T-Splines. it is very simple and gives the correct results, but.. my personal computer is too slow of a machine to export my model without crashing.
the only other solution I can think of is installing rhino 5 on my personal computer and attempting to work with grasshopper that way. I just don't want to risk losing any information that I already have.
if anyone has any help/suggestions I would appreciate it. I can link the rhino file when I get to my studio class.
thank you