
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am still learning grasshopper and i need some help for make it work.

Briefly it's little earth model. So i need to place points (cities i'd say) on the sphere. I've found all the locations on EXCEL file then imported to grasshopper using this component. 
But all of this locations have letters combined with numbers.

So first I want to make is get rid of all "N S E W" letter from latitude longitude list. 
I've tried lot of things related to data managing but haven't found any result. I think using visual basic or some programming language will do it. Unfortunately I haven't learned none of these.


And one more thing is I want to know how to text tag that parrallel to the screen we looking at? it's just on the xy panel. Because after i will need to tag all the points by the name of the cities. Its also needed to be using the excel file respectively. 

Thank you very much! 

Views: 1212


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Hi Amartuvshin,

I can not help you with mapping of the globe. That might be a task for a more experienced users.

You can split the Longitude and Latitude values from N,S,W,E by using the "String split" component:

To read the Excel file I used the "gHowl" plugin.

Not sure I understood you on the second part. The "Text tag" component shows the text in the plane plane parallel to your viewport plane. Maybe you took the other one "Text tag 3d"?


Thank you very much djordje! I've installed gHowl now :)

I see this as a Remapping Domain problem.

You need to first address the furthest West to East Domain as 0 to 180E = 0 to 0.5 and 180W to 0 as 0.5 to 1

Then you need to have 90S to 90N as 0 to 1

Once you get over this mapping it on a surface/sphere would be simple.

I'll get back to you with an example.

Thinking about it further you don't actually need the GM to be 0 so it works out easier.


Very nice Danny,

What does the "tab" character do when applied as a separator character at "string split"?
Is this principle "tab" character as split, unique for any programming language?

If you double click on the panel you will see that the data is delimited by tabs because I pasted it directly from Excel

Thank you very much Danny Boyes. 

It works perfectly! I should study more on this data things. Wish there was some video classes to learn.

Have a nice day!






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