
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i just start use kangaroo to analyse a simple structure like below.

can somebody give a hint how to start it? maybe a simple instruction would be very helpful!!

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draw two circles and subdivide the curves by the same number. connect the points! I'm not sure whats happening in the second drawing on the bottom, but if you need to make two layers simply translate the points up and down.

Hi Frank,

I agree with Ash's method:

What you could do is to play around with the resting lengths of your springs (the Gene Pool component grouped in green. Reset the Boolean toggle each time you change the values in Gene Pool). That will enable the load bearing (radial) cable to get some catenary shape.

Still do not expect this to replace the FEM structural analysis application, as you will not get the forces/stress values in cables, rings, membrane...


thank u djordje,


i think there is a mistake.

in ur model i see sevaral hanging along the radial cable which actually dosent exiting becoz when all structure item goes down becoz of his weight/ gravity all of them move not just verticle but also horizontal...even when they only  move in vertikle direction the delta z must be variours, it depends on the stiffness, strength..etc...


but thx anyway. while i get the result i will post it here!

My approach was to generate several points along the the original radial cable, then attach springs on those points (where anchors would be represented by those same points). Different springs rest lengths would enable different elevation of the original generated points along the radial cables. By interpolating those points you will get the catenary shape of your radial cables.
That is one way of doing it. Surely there are others.

Is this correct from the structural point of view? No, it's not. Nor it was my intention. But it definitive could be used as a Kangaroo's example of suspended cable structure.

Like I said, if you want an in-depth and accurate analysis and generation of your model, try considering some FEM structural analysis application instead of Kangaroo (ANSYS, Sofistik, SAP2000...). An example of RFEM usage can be seen at the end of my previous reply.

Hi Frank, I would advise to use the analysis of the structure Karamba.

I put a spoke wheel system and some defination with kangaroo.

I play with rest length and it works fine for 1-layer variation.

but for 2-layer variation I got problem, that I couldnt control the verticle-hanging anymore.


does anyone know what could be the problem?







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