
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I'm kinda noob in GH and doing some exercises for myself, I know some usefull stuff but now I'm trying to "parametrize" the O14 building...

I know I should apply some circles in a surface to make the holes and those things, and maybe an atractor woul be nice...

The problem is... I DON'T HAVE A CLUE 'bout what to do! :P

I'd aprecciate any advice, tutorial or example definition...


<P.D.: I'm attaching an image of the O14 for those who don't know the building>

Views: 8324

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Hi Hassan,

The first step would be to analyze the structure:

This will allow you to identify the basic principles which shape the building's skin:
- A diagrid pattern
- Rectangular holes with rounded corners
- A gradient of hole sizes from bottom (smaller) to top (bigger)
- Arbitrary position of bigger openings (2x2 and 3x3)
- etc.

When creating the model, you should start with the basics and gradually add complexity.

Good luck,

That's a great reply!

I would also add the following relating to the global form of the building:
- The exterior shape could be idealized as a single developable surface
- A developable surface means you could work out your hole patterning in 2D and map it back to 3D

It's always simpler to begin working in 2D whenever possible.
Thanks a lot JJ and Taz, it really helped me a lot...
Maybe I'd upload my definition and my modeling later to see if it helps someone else...

I am having a similar issue. I spent some time nurbs mongering a surface to see how close to a maya form I could get in rhino, pretty far it seems. Now I want to use grasshopper or even paneling tools on it. You mentioned working 2D then mapping back to 3D. How would I go about doing that. The surface is composed of more than one patch.


This is the basic idea I was thinking of. Trimming out the surface takes a bit more finesse. Some links to other discussions after the pics.
Ok, so, after a lot of yelling and facepalming I've finally mapped the circles in my geometry...
The deal was to rebuild the circles and divide the curves (I know, basic, but still.... Sigh...)

Now, my nemesis is the "trim" component, I've tried every "Intercept" component but I know I'm missing something 'cuz I getting "funny" results...

I attach the definition so far with the ultramegasuccesfull mapping!! hahaha

Thanks alot again to u guys, rly helped a lot!

Well I guess [Map to Surface] makes things a bit simpler, but I never said trimming would be easy...
Boolean are a bit of a bugger, but here's a sequence to do it. GH has trouble previewing the geometry, but after baking all is well.

Tnx lot Taz for the quick answer, but thre's a problem, cuz my surface is cruved and to cap the "hole makers" they need to be planars...

It's kinda frustrating... It should be something easy but... Argh!

Tnx for helping me btw...
here is a link to a tutuorial that may be of some relevance to you.

also, while not entirely a grasshopper solution, the paneling tools for rhino may be worth taking a look at as well.
...Project the curved curve-on-surface to a plane, then extrude and cap...

Look at the corners in the second image.

Here's the definition if you want it.






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