
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've recently been attempting to model a 3 dimensional structure based off of pre plotted points using a Voronoi diagram. Simply applying these points to the Voronoi 3D component in grasshopper is very close to what I want to accomplish. the problem comes from the fact that the volume of the diagram is always a box. It's parameter is labeled as Optional diagram boundary. 

I do not want my diagram boundary to be a box. I would like each point to have its own boundary. So all points are provided creating a 3 dimensional voronoi that is not bound by a simple 'box'. I have yet to find any help in accomplishing this.

I have seen a few examples using Qhull which are very similar to what I would like to do, but have not be able to recreate these situations as I can not seem to get Qhull to run properly. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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and where are these examples?

the image used in the header of the page describing qhull itself is very similar to what I'm looking for.

I however can't get qhull to work. it is most likely because of my inexperience in using grasshopper.

my main objective is to create a 3 dimensional voronoi structure that is not bound to a box like the voronoi3D component in grasshopper shows.

voronoi will always be bound in a box, even in qhull. It is how a voronoi diagram works. Its what you do after that changes the shape via removing cells or trimming them in some shape.

thank you for the replies. I guess I was under the impression that the bounding box could be changed or removed.

I have seen the thread you mentioned before and it has some nice examples.

I guess my new question would be, what are some of the possible ways of editing the voronoi diagram within grasshopper within the bounding box? or would that be mostly done in rhino without using grasshopper ?

in grasshopper I can think of 3 ways. They are always post the voronoi component.

1.Removed outer cells via the b output of the voronoi3d component.

2.Remove cells either randomly, by attractor, or testing whether the cell falls in our outside of some other shape.

3.trim the voronoi with a brep. 

some examples.

These examples are great. 

In the first image, the outer white "cage" I guess I could say is similar to what I'm looking for. 

These are also some examples of what I'm after.

this is meant to be a building, the structure of which is based off of the voronoi component. The points I create are meant to represent rooms and spaces. One thought I had was to create an outer edge of points and then remove the cells they create with the bounding box which should keep the interior cells intact. This seems really inefficient to me however. But if it works, it works. 

I was able to turn the voronoi into a wireframe with a brep and then pipe the wireframe which is a big help in creating the frame. 

I am still wondering about trimming the voronoi with a brep and removing outer cells via the b output. 

What are the best ways to accomplish this?  (I'm very new to this and unfortunately my school does not teach grasshopper, so I have no professor to ask)

thank you for all your help. 






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